I am a Bachelor’s prepared registered nurse with 25 years of experience working in multiple healthcare settings, including the cardiac intensive care unit, inpatient medical-surgical floors, orthopedics, gastroenterology, home health, and patient improvement and research as a healthcare analyst. I jumped into the role of healthcare advocate in 2005, when three of my maternal aunts were diagnosed with terminal breast cancer at the same time. I assisted simultaneously with all aspects of their healthcare needs from going with them to doctors’ appointments, getting them the equipment they needed, setting up home healthcare providers and numerous other tasks that required me to use my clinical expertise and knowledge of the healthcare system. I can proudly say I was able to ensure all of their medical needs were met along with easing their children’s emotional strain allowing them to maintain a strong family relationship.
I have lived in the greater San Antonio, Texas area most of my life having worked at several of the area hospital systems. But my ultimate lesson came from my own experience at the Veterans Affairs hospital in 2019 that required me to navigate the VA’s cumbersome healthcare system. During that time, I experienced firsthand what I’m sure many veterans face daily just trying to get the care that they earned and so desperately need. As a veteran myself, I am that person that can assist both veterans and civilians to attain positive healthcare outcomes. My persistence and passion drive my work as a patient advocate to ensure my clients have all that they need. All of these challenges have made me more determined to share my expertise with those needing assistance in getting the quality healthcare that they deserve. This passion inspired me to become a Board Certified Patient Advocate in 2020 and offer my services to those in need.
On a personal note, I love nature, particularly monarch butterflies, hummingbirds, elephants and ladybugs. Listening to the wind blow while I’m relaxing, singing to gospel music is one of my favorite things to do. I love cooking and watching people be nutritionally satisfied from what I have made in the kitchen. I love laugher, especially from my grandsons, and most of all I enjoy giving back to those in need. I look forward to getting to know you.