Sponsorship Prospectus


For the following Sponsorship Levels, we use PayPal and Credit Cards.

Should you wish to pay differently, please contact: Armando Nahum

Email: anahum@pfps.us

Phone: 404.510.8787

  • Platinum

    • Number of Scholarships: 20
    • Pricing: $40,000
    • Your logo Size: Large
    • Your logo promotion on all event signage: Included
    • Recognition on WPSD Event webpage: Included
    • Recognition on social media platforms: At least 20 Shout Outs
    • Sponsor ability to use PFPS US and ACT NOW logos on its website and in its media activities: Included
    • Invitation to the kickoff dinner on September 15th: Up to 5 people
    Platinum Level
  • Gold

    Number of Scholarships: 15

    Pricing: $30,000

    Your logo Size: Large

    Your logo promotion on all event signage: Included

    Recognition on WPSD Event webpage: Included

    Recognition on social media platforms: At least 15 Shout Outs

    Sponsor ability to use PFPS US and ACT NOW logos on its website and in its media activities: Included

    Invitation to the kickoff dinner on September 15th: Up to 4 people

    Gold Level
  • Silver

    Number of Scholarships: 10

    Pricing: $20,000

    Your logo Size: Medium

    Your logo promotion on all event signage: Included

    Recognition on WPSD Event webpage: Included

    Recognition on social media platforms: At least 10 Shout Outs

    Sponsor ability to use PFPS US and ACT NOW logos on its website and in its media activities: Included

    Invitation to the kickoff dinner on September 15th: Up to 3 people

    Silver Level
  • Bronze

    Number of Scholarships: 5

    Pricing: $10,000

    Your logo Size: Medium

    Your logo promotion on all event signage: Included

    Recognition on WPSD Event webpage: Included

    Recognition on social media platforms: At least 5 Shout Outs

    Sponsor ability to use PFPS US and ACT NOW logos on its website and in its media activities: Included

    Invitation to the kickoff dinner on September 15th: Up to 2 people

    Bronze Level
  • Friend

    Number of Scholarships: 2

    Pricing: $4,000

    Your logo Size: Included

    Your logo promotion on all event signage: Included

    Recognition on WPSD Event webpage: Included

    Recognition on social media platforms: Listed as Partner

    Sponsor ability to use PFPS US and ACT NOW logos on its website and in its media activities: Included

    Invitation to the kickoff dinner on September 15th: Up to 1 person

    Friend Level
  • Other Donations

    A donation in any amount helps PFPS US continue to advance Diagnostic Safety, Patient Safety, and Health Equity.

    Other Donations

Why Sponsor?

Supporting the PFPS US WPSD will provide you and your organization with:

  • A rich opportunity to engage face-to-face with diverse patients and family leaders, experts from healthcare, health policy, commercial industries, and influential patient organizations to lay the foundation for robust changes in diagnostic accuracy, patient safety, and equity in healthcare
  • An opportunity to contribute, at the ground floor, in the kickoff of Project PIVOT and provide a perspective on new survey questions for potential integration into national quality assessment and research survey tools (e.g, HCAHPS, patient satisfaction, and other patient-reported measures)
  • A meaningful opportunity to illustrate your organization’s commitment to meaningful social responsibility and the fulfillment of the “social contract” between corporations and the well-being of their community
  • A clear demonstration of your leadership, corporate culture, and brand that values diversity, equity, and inclusion and a “whole of society approach” to improve care
  • A unique opportunity to partner with Patients for Patient Safety US to catalyze much-needed change that mobilizes patients and the public to drive improvement in equity, the accuracy of medical diagnoses, and ultimately the safety of patients throughout the world. 

Who is PFPS US?

Patients for Patient Safety US (PFPS US) is a patient-led, US-based non-profit organization that serves as the United States branch of the Patients for Patient Safety program of the World Health Organization (WHO). PFPS US seeks to advance patient safety, diagnostic quality, and health equity goals, which we see as inextricably related. Accordingly, we advocate for increased transparency, accountability, and patient/family engagement as drivers of improvement.

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