For the following Sponsorship Levels, we use PayPal and Credit Cards.
Should you wish to pay differently, please contact: Armando Nahum
Phone: 404.510.8787
Number of Scholarships: 15
Pricing: $30,000
Your logo Size: Large
Your logo promotion on all event signage: Included
Recognition on WPSD Event webpage: Included
Recognition on social media platforms: At least 15 Shout Outs
Sponsor ability to use PFPS US and ACT NOW logos on its website and in its media activities: Included
Invitation to the kickoff dinner on September 15th: Up to 4 people
Number of Scholarships: 10
Pricing: $20,000
Your logo Size: Medium
Your logo promotion on all event signage: Included
Recognition on WPSD Event webpage: Included
Recognition on social media platforms: At least 10 Shout Outs
Sponsor ability to use PFPS US and ACT NOW logos on its website and in its media activities: Included
Invitation to the kickoff dinner on September 15th: Up to 3 people
Number of Scholarships: 5
Pricing: $10,000
Your logo Size: Medium
Your logo promotion on all event signage: Included
Recognition on WPSD Event webpage: Included
Recognition on social media platforms: At least 5 Shout Outs
Sponsor ability to use PFPS US and ACT NOW logos on its website and in its media activities: Included
Invitation to the kickoff dinner on September 15th: Up to 2 people
Number of Scholarships: 2
Pricing: $4,000
Your logo Size: Included
Your logo promotion on all event signage: Included
Recognition on WPSD Event webpage: Included
Recognition on social media platforms: Listed as Partner
Sponsor ability to use PFPS US and ACT NOW logos on its website and in its media activities: Included
Invitation to the kickoff dinner on September 15th: Up to 1 person
A donation in any amount helps PFPS US continue to advance Diagnostic Safety, Patient Safety, and Health Equity.
Why Sponsor?
Supporting the PFPS US WPSD will provide you and your organization with:
Who is PFPS US?