I’m Ariana and I live in Southern Californian and spent time living in Scotland where I got my Masters of Public Health degree due to my interest in global health. I’ve been working in healthcare and the non-profit space for the last 10 years with a majority of that time dedicated acutely on patient safety.
In 2017 I experienced temporary minor harm when donating blood that jolted me into understanding the role of the patient voice and how advocating for yourself can radically change the experience you have when seeking care. By speaking up I was able to lessen the degree of harm that I experienced and I believe that was only because I had learned those skills from the patients and family members I engaged with in the patient safety world.
I recently joined the Healthcare-associated Infection (HAI) Advisory Committee for the California Department of Public Health as a consumer voice and I consult in the patient safety arena whenever and wherever I can help. I am particularly passionate about engaging patients and family members and know they have an integral part to play in achieving safe care for all.