Michele Bleech Napoliello has served the healthcare industry for over 25 years in roles varying from Medicaid Data Analyst to Medical Device Representative to Hospital Administrator. Her most valued role however, is that of caregiver to her family and friends as conditions and needs arise.
Throughout the caregiver role, Michele has seen first hand how communication errors, errors of omission and poor processes contribute to patient harm, and she is adamant that every patient have an advocate who can offer not only emotional support throughout their healthcare journey, but as a second set of eyes, ears, head and heart to ensure that processes are safe and effective.
Serving on the Board of Directors for the Maryland, DC and Virginia Chapter of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation is one way that Michele advocates for patients on a larger scale, and ensures that fundraising is matched with proper fiduciary stewardship. Michele holds a Doctorate in Health Administration from Medical University of South Carolina where she was presented with the Dean’s Award, an MBA in Medical Services Management from the Johns Hopkins University, and a Fellowship in Clinical and Translational Research Ethics from the Institute of Human Values in Healthcare and the South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research Institute.
Additionally, Michele holds Fellowship status with the following organizations: the American College of Healthcare Executives, the American College of Health Data Management, and the American College of Medical Practice Executives.